I just got my new tattoo from Steph! Can I go swimming? 

I know it's a bummer but I am sure you like your skin and healthy body. Please do not submerge your new tattoo in water of any kind even if you think it is clean. The Saniderm bandage is technically water proof but should not be submerged. You should wait until your tattoo is no longer flaking before taking part in any water activities! (this can be different for everyone so just pay attention to your own healing process) 

Can I workout with a new tattoo?

Wait at least 3-5 days before any aggressive physical activity. If you are wearing any tight clothing that will rub against the new tattoo this could compromise healing and cause for fall out. Remember to also clean your tattoo after any physical activity as well as gyms and yoga mats generally harbour a lot of bacteria. 

What should I put on my new tattoo to help it heal and keep it moisturized? 

Every artist has their own tried and true way of healing their artwork so it is best to listen to the guidelines of the specific artist for their tattoos. I recommend the use of Dove bar soap for sensitive skin as it has no perfumes and is really soft on skin but cleans well. You want to use a bar soap because it creates a lather that can be gently massaged into the skin without the use of a cloth or loofa which will be too aggressive on a healing tattoo. The healing ointment I recommend it Aquaphor. The brand is Eucerin and this ointment can be found and purchased from any local pharmacy. 

Can I see my drawing beforehand?

Due to an ongoing art-theft issue with sending drawings over email, I no longer provide that option. I want you to be 100% in love with your tattoo before we make it permanent. Small changes can be made on the spot, on the day of your session. If the piece requires a full re-draw, a new deposit will be required, and a new date will be set.


This is something that happens quite frequently! Not to worry just be sure to keep the area clean and dry and follow the “bandage healing” after care steps after the removal of the bandage section.